London Marathon 2022
In October 2022, four runners took on all 26.2 miles of the London Marathon to raise money for the Debbie Fund. The runners were Jack Phillips (Debbie’s son), Kathleen Elysee (Jack’s wife), and two of Jack’s friends, Katrina Hyde and Alexander Tough. All four runners were successful in completing the race, and, even more importantly, helped to raise over £21,000 for the Debbie Fund.
Anyone able to secure a place in the London Marathon and wishing to raise money for Debbie Fund can apply for a runners vest with the Debbie Fund logo.
London Marathon 2011: Our Supporters Stories
The London Marathon is a major fundraising event and Debbie Fund has had a number of participants raising money through sponsorship. In 2011 Katy Phillips, Debbie’s eldest daughter, ran with her friend, Mohinoor Chatterji; and Helen Porter and Neil Jamieson, both friends of Debbie, also ran. Between them, they raised over £59,000 for Debbie Fund, a phenomenal result.
Katy’s story
“On the night our mum died, as my sister sat recording a beautiful song that would later be released on iTunes and raise thousands for charity, I took a less constructive role and sat in the kitchen eating ice cream ... Although, I’m not sure what I could have done as I'm seriously artistically challenged. And so I'm now going to make up for my lack of creative initiative by running a marathon. Running and exercise in general was one of the most important ways that I coped with the stress of my mum's illness, so it seems an appropriate way for me to try to raise money for the fund. This is despite the fact that, ask any of the PE teachers at my senior school and they will confirm to you, as a 15 year old I virtually died when made to run the 1500 metres; so this is going to be a massive challenge! However, in my eyes it will be more than worth it if it means that UCL can get to work on a drug that might save some mums. Furthermore, a video of me at the finish will probably get more hits than “Autumn”, as I imagine it will be spectacularly amusing for everyone, but me...”
Helen Porter’s story:
“I sadly only met Debbie just after she had been diagnosed with cancer, about 4 years before she died. I greatly admired the way in which she and Mark and her whole family coped with her illness. I am also full of admiration for how her family is now creating something positive out of their loss by setting up Debbie Fund to find a cure for cervical cancer. When Mark mentioned this summer that he had a few marathon places through UCL to raise sponsorship for Debbie Fund, I casually said (hoping he wouldn't laugh at me) that if he had no one queuing up for the last place, I would do it. I was probably saying this with my fingers crossed behind my back, hoping that another more suitable applicant was going to take that spot, but seemingly not...
At 54, I am probably the oldest runner for Debbie Fund. But, like Katy, I have been a runner since my own mother's illness from cancer and found it the best way to cope with the stress. I have only done 2 half marathons (many years ago) and recently a 10 mile race, so it is going to be a struggle, but I have always had a feeling that tackling a full marathon was unfinished business for me and I am determined to do it to honour Debbie and her family and to raise as much money as possible for Debbie Fund and the team of researchers at UCL."
Mo’s story:
"Sadly, I never had the opportunity to meet Debbie. However, knowing Katy and eventually the rest of her family, I jumped at the opportunity to do something to raise funds for such an important cause and to support Katy in something which means so much to her ... although, it could well be the case that she has to carry me over the finish line. I have always been very in interested in fund raising and, as well as this, have lost grandparents to cancer, and running a marathon is something that I have dreamed of from a young age: I used to be a very rotund youngster, who came last in all school races. Since then, I have slimmed down, got interested in running and am now keen to try one of today’s more physically demanding challenges. I am looking forward to it immensely and I hope to complete the 26 miles in less than four hours."
Neil Jamieson’s story:
"Back in 1984 my wife, Kate, had become great friends with Debbie at Law School, and had just been to Debbie and Mark's wedding when we met. By that very happy coincidence I was lucky to enough to drop into Debbie's orbit: you only had to meet Debbie once to know that you were in the company of a very special person - intelligent and engaging in equal measure, with a warmth that put you at ease and most of all that wicked sense of humour which meant an evening with Debbie was always fun. Work, children and different sides of London meant that get-togethers became less frequent, but Kate and Debbie stayed in touch and I would bump into Mark from time to time to hear about news, happy and sad.
I have run the London Marathon twice before and, whatever anyone tells you, the second half is anything but fun. The training also becomes much harder as the years go by and last year I swore I would never do it again. But the opportunity to run in honour of Debbie has made the decision to come out of retirement an easy one and, although it won't be a pleasure, it will certainly be a privilege to line up in Greenwich Park on 17th April 2011 to support Debbie Fund."
Sarah Phillips: Autumn
Sarah’s story:
Over a decade has passed since the whirlwind of our mum’s passing, my Youtube tribute ‘Autumn’ going viral and the successful launch of Debbie Fund.
Looking back at that time, especially with the hindsight that I did not end up pursuing a career in music, I can see that the purpose of such a challenging experience as a sixteen year old was the big picture of this charity, this amazing project born out of so much sadness.
While my story - the news worthy piece on a teenager recording a song on her mobile phone the night her mum passed away - is a big part of Debbie Fund’s story, it’s really just a small catalysing piece which wouldn’t have amounted to much without what followed. The researchers at UCL, the members of the Debbie Fund board (including my favourite two humans, my sister Katy and brother Jack), every single friend, every friend of a friend who has gone above and beyond to make the success of the charity possible, these are the people who I want to honour and thank.
There is loss and pain interwoven into each of our lives, and I truly believe it’s what we do with that struggle that defines us. Our mum was beloved by so many people and the collective grief we all felt when she died was huge, but out of that love we were able to create Debbie Fund, a lasting tribute to her which will help so many in the decades to come.
With so much thanks to each and every one of our supporters.
Boston Marathon 2011: Our Supporter’s Story
Philip Jackson’s story:
“I teach at the school attended by both of Debbie Phillips’ daughters, although as chance would have it I have taught neither. In a morning assembly, Sarah Phillips gave a very moving account to the whole school of how her mother had died from cervical cancer. Sarah explained that there had been no research any where in the world into cervical cancer, a disease which affects so many women worldwide. She explained how Debbie Fund had been set up to fund much needed research into cervical cancer at the University College London Cancer Institute. As I listened to Sarah I wondered what I could do to contribute to the charity? The obvious answer was to run a marathon. I am relatively new to running; I started running only four years ago, even though I am somewhat older than the other Debbie Fund runners! I have been fortunate to obtain a place to run in the Boston marathon, the longest established of all modern marathons. This is taking place on 18th April 2011 and I will be running in aid of Debbie Fund. Please contribute to this vital research into women’s health by sponsoring me.”
Rome Marathon 2011: Our Supporter’s Story
Charlie Mole’s story:
“I got involved with Debbie Fund, the UCL cervical cancer research charity, through Sarah Phillips, whose mother Debbie died last year. I was fortunate enough to know Debbie Phillips for around five years, through a mutual love of watching our sons, Carlo and Jack, play football. It was therefore a great pleasure for me to be able to help Sarah with her wish to record a song for Debbie's funeral. A few days after Debbie died, Sarah approached me and explained she wanted to record a song in memory of her mother for the funeral and needed my assistance. She sang a version of Paulo Nutini's Autumn into her mobile phone and I added a musical arrangement which was then posted on YouTube.
There was an immediate worldwide reaction to the song and to date her original video has received 452,000 hits. Autumn reached no 11 on iTunes and Sarah has now released an ep with 3 songs.
I have decided to try and run my 1st Marathon this year and so it seemed perfectly fitting for me to help raise some more for the charity.”
Three Peaks Challenge 2011
Kathryn James’s story:
“It struck me with enormous force whilst sitting at the R3 Gala Dinner just how many of the ladies at the event might be affected by cervical cancer in the future, including me, and I was shocked at how little was being done to address it. Years ago, I’d come across a case in which a young mother of 25 years of age had died from the same disease, leaving three children all under 5 behind. I’d been looking for an excuse to do the Three Peaks Challenge and Debbie Fund seemed the perfect answer! I would like a strong turn out from the insolvency and financial industry to demonstrate to everyone how much we care about these issues by competing with each other to see which team can raise the most money for Debbie Fund.
Kathryn James, a solicitor with Boyes Turner, has taken the initial steps in organising a fundraising challenge between teams of 4 (plus 2 drivers) up and down Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 24 hours, commencing 15th June 2011. Sponsorship for each team’s fuel has been obtained, so that as much money raised by the teams as possible can benefit Debbie Fund.
Adidas 5k challenge
Karen Druce’s story:
Karen Druce, whose husband, Steve, is Mark's cousin, together with two of her daughters Amy and Kate, ran the 5K Challenge in Hyde Park, London on Sunday, 5 September, to raise money for Debbie Fund. Karen said: “Debbie was an amazing, intelligent, fun-loving and inspirational woman, both in the way she lived and especially during her four-year battle with cervical cancer. We hope to raise as much money as we can, and are proud to do this run in Debbie's honour."
Moon Beever Quiz Night
Moon Beever solicitors raised a tremendous £6850 for Debbie Fund at their recent quiz night. Thank you to all involved in the organisation of the quiz and to everybody who attended this very popular event.
Thank you Moon Beever for your magnificent support!